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Beginner Workouts

Beginner Workouts

These detailed, comprehensive workouts are designed to build the strongest Pilates foundations possible! We cover form, function, reason and results. Each workout will progress your practice and teach you to move your body the way it is meant to be moved. So if you're a beginner and have always wanted to try Pilates, you’re returning from injury or you just want to refresh your technique, these are the ideal workouts!

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Beginner Workouts
  • Gentle Recovery Rehab Routine

    This gentle rehab recovery Pilates workout video is designed to help those recovering from injuries or surgeries to regain strength, flexibility and balance in a safe and effective way.

    Whether you are recovering from an injury or simply looking for a low-impact workout to improve your overall ...

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day One

    This Day One workout is going to go over all of the fundamentals required for the Pilates mat work. We are going to cover establishing neutral spine, correctly engaging your "Powerhouse" and breathing technique.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Two

    Day Two is just a very slight progression from day one, it's all about making small changes that will piece together to give you the strongest foundation possible!

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Three

    Today we are going to do some more slight progressions on the exercises that we have been practicing, so that you can see exactly how all of these fundamental movements apply to every single exercise.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Four

    It's now time to focus on the stretches and flexibility you need to progress to that next level. We will be performing the same exercises, however this time transforming the active movements into a stretch.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Five

    Today we are working the entire Powerhouse with the Series Of Five. We will focus on the traditional transitions, the flow of movement and the technique required to make these five exercises seamless!

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Six

    Today’s workout focuses on the back extensors. Working these muscles not only builds a well-supported spine, but also increases your core strength to give you a balanced, strong Powerhouse.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Seven

    Today, we will be focusing on the glutes, which are an underlying muscle that supports the pelvis and the hip joints, keeps the pelvis well aligned, supports the lower back and also promotes knee health.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Eight

    Today, we are stretching and lengthening the muscles of the hip to create happy healthy hips! Flexible hips are absolutely essential to making progress in the Pilates method. A towel is required for this workout.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Series Day Nine

    This session focuses on “internal resistance." Internal resistance means switching on the Powerhouse, waking up your core and conditioning the deep intrinsic muscles that makes Pilates so effective!

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Ten

    We will be moving your spine through every range of motion, increasing your flexibility so that you can see progress in your Pilates practice! This will also strengthen and define the muscles that surround the spine.

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Eleven

    Today we will be stretching and releasing tension in the neck, shoulders, chest and upper back. Flexibility in the upper body will allow you to get deeper into all of the Pilates exercises and improve progress!

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Twelve

    Today we will be performing a full body workout incorporating the exercises and techniques we have been learning. We will be progressively building up the repetitions over the next three workouts in this program!

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Thirteen

    Today, we are building on what we did yesterday, increasing the repetitions to six per exercise, slowly and gradually building your endurance, strength and technique!

  • Kickstart Your Pilates Day Fourteen

    Today we are increasing our repetitions just a little, evening out the pace, smoothing out the transitions and giving you a FANTASTIC full body workout that will leave you feeling accomplished!

  • Stress Free Stretch Routine

    This is the ultimate Pilates stretching class to help melt away stress, relieve tension from the body and relax every muscle. You will walk away from the class feeling light, open and simply amazing!

  • No Neck Strain Core Workout

    In this workout, I've taken the traditional Pilates moves and put the PBL spin on them to ensure there is no neck tension or straining whilst we are performing our core movements! There will be absolutely no flexion from a supine position, the workout will consist purely of movements that relax a...

  • Neck Friendly Workout

    When you are suffering from neck pain there is nothing more frustrating, especially when it prevents you from doing your workout. I've designed this workout especially for those of you who are enduring neck pain and injury but still want to get your workout in. There is absolutely no flexion or s...

  • Kickstart Your Day

    This is for those mornings where you need that energy boost to kickstart your day and get off to the best start possible!
    Join me for an energising stretching routine that will make you feel incredible and ready to tackle your day!

  • Gentle Lower Back Pain Tutorial

    This tutorial is designed for those of you with acute lower back pain caused by a fall or accident whereby you have damaged the spine and are looking to start to rehabilitate with your doctor's approval. It's also for those who have severe chronic lower back pain and are looking for a way to get ...

  • Beginners Flow: Ab Workout

    This is a fantastic, traditional workout that will improve your technique and also give you a fantastic workout. All you'll need is your mat!

  • Target Your Trouble Zone Flexibility

    Lengthen, strengthen, define and realign your entire body with this invigorating Pilates workout. If you have trouble touching your toes or suffer with back and joint pain, this is the perfect workout for you to elongate the body, perfect your spinal alignment, look leaner, feel lighter and more ...

  • Pilates For Back Pain

    Banish back pain for good with this gentle, effective Pilates workout. This workout focuses on the underlying structural imbalances in the body that lead to joint pain and muscle tightness. The exercises are performed with meticulous attention to alignment, creating the perfect conditions for str...

  • Back To Basics Beginner Workout

    This is an invigorating, technique focused workout that is perfect for students new to Pilates. This is the best workout to start with if you would like to build a solid foundation for you Pilates practice. Strengthen your core and learn all of the basic principles of Pilates: Precision, Centring...