In this incredible workout, we will be working in four-point kneeling and side-lying positions to completely sculpt, firm and tone the entire lower body. We will be focusing on the glutes and hamstrings, the outer thighs and honing in on those ever-elusive inner thighs too!
Up Next in Spring Into Summer Week Two
Spring Into Summer Posture & Poise
In this workout we will be working with the ever-so-versatile resistance band to strengthen and tone every inch of the muscles throughout the posterior chain. We will be working deep into the postural muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings and back extensors to completely transform that postur...
Just Five Minutes More Stretch
I designed this stretching routine so that you can add just five minutes more to ANY workout without having to commit to a full 20-30 minute stretching routine.
It's the perfect way to warm up or wind down any Pilates workout to improve your flexibility, muscle tone and also your technique. It's ...