In this workout we will be working with 1kg (2 lb) hand weights to strengthen your upper body, improve your posture and give you strength, grace and poise!
Up Next in Classic Schedule
Luscious Legs Workout
In this workout we will be using the resistance band to create long, lean, toned legs! The addition of the band provides the perfect amount of resistance to create the sculpted lower body Pilates is famous for!
Target Your Trouble Zone Abs And Obli...
If you want to sculpt and tone your waistline then this is your ultimate workout! Define your abdominals and create a lean Pilates body with this fast paced and effective workout designed to target the entire midsection. Practice regularly for amazing results! This workout is great to pair with a...
Slow Release Yoga
This mat based session is the ultimate grounding, rejuvenating practice to lengthen and strengthen the entire body. We will be opening and releasing the spine, hips, the entire lower body and the shoulders in this relaxing, revitalising routine. A yoga strap is an optional prop for this session.