Fit In 15 Ab Workout
Abdominal Workouts
Get ready for round two! This is the second episode in our "Fit In 15" series, a challenging circuit of core exercises that will whip your centre into shape!
Fast paced and fun, you will see and feel the results immediately!
Up Next in Abdominal Workouts
Defining Ab Workout
We will be using a continuous flow of movement to really create beautiful definition through your centre!
Crunch Time Workout
Crunch, flex and bend your way to a strong midsection! This workout is the perfect way to get deep into that powerhouse using moves packed with flexion to strengthen you transverse abdominals, upper abdominals and obliques.
Core Is The New Black
Hello, abs! This core blasting workout will have you lifting, twisting, and flexing your way to a strong, streamlined powerhouse. The addition of the 1 kg hand weights will give you the perfect challenge and have you feeling leaner and stronger than ever before.