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BabyBody Postnatal

BabyBody Postnatal

Regain strength, stamina and muscle tone with our postnatal workouts. These are the exact workouts I used to recover and restore my strength after my own pregnancy. Follow along with me as I take you through these comprehensive postnatal Pilates workouts that will slowly, safely and effectively strengthen you after birth.

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BabyBody Postnatal
  • Postnatal Daily Core Restore Workout

    This 10 minute workout is designed to gently heal and restore your abdominals after birth. Designed to do daily, this short and sweet session is Diastasis Recti friendly and will help the muscles and tissue repair and recover. I personally did this routine after the birth of my baby and I credit ...

  • Postnatal Upper Body Posture & Strength Workout

    This workout is designed to help you improve your posture, regain your strength and assist with all the heavy lifting you will be doing as a new mum! Get your PBL Resistance Band ready as we work on the deep, intrinsic muscles that support the shoulders spine and pelvis to counteract the forward ...

  • Postnatal Stamina & Strength Leg Workout

    We will be working on the deep stabilising muscles that support the pelvis to improve endurance, support and strength in this workout. The benefits of this workout are incredible, as a new mum you will be experiencing things you may never have experienced before, such as back pain, hip pain and p...

  • Postnatal Yoga Recover

    This is the exact routine that I used personally in the very brief moments I had spare after having my own baby, and it always left me feeling incredible! We are going to be gently stretching the body, slowly restoring our core strength, and have the body feeling energised and revitalised!

  • Postnatal Yoga Release

    This is an amazing stretch to help lengthen out and release the tight muscles throughout the entire body. We are doing a lot of heavy lifting through the upper body at the moment, with lots of nursing, lifting and carrying of our babies. This session is going to release, lengthen and stretch out ...

  • Postnatal Yoga Restore

    This routine is designed to help you gently return back into your body, to regain your strength, recover and restore.

  • PBL LIVE 46: Postnatal

    This is an amazing full-length, full body class that I personally found to be EXTREMELY helpful in regaining my strength, flexibility, muscle tone and stamina (which is greatly needed with our little ones!) This is suitable for all levels with doctor/midwife approval to commence exercising.

  • Postnatal Reformer Workout

    This is a routine that I personally developed and used throughout my recovery after the birth of my daughter Olivia. After getting the doctor's approval, I started using this class to regain my strength, stamina, muscle tone and flexibility. It has been my go to ever since! I'm now five months po...