Today we will be working the magic circle to not only strengthen and tone the inner thighs, glutes, outer thighs, and hamstrings but also for correcting technique! There is nothing like the magic circle for keeping you honest, aligned and in check, if you are even a millimetre out of alignment the magic circle is quick to give you feedback!
Up Next in Magic Circle Workouts
Just Five Minutes More Ab Magic
When you only have five minutes to spare, you need a workout that packs some serious punch…and THIS is the workout to go to!
There is nothing like the magic circle for sculpting, firming and toning your entire Powerhouse, the results are incredible!Join me for this ab blast that will leave your...
Magic Circle Defined Legs Workout
We filmed this amazing workout at the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina. In this session we will be using the resistance of the magic circle to define, tone, lift and cinch your entire lower body! All you need is your mat and your circle!
Complete Core Magic Circle Workout
This workout was filmed at beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina! This magic circle workout is a complete, 360 degree core routine! We will be targeting your deepest stabilising muscles of the Powerhouse, working through every possible range of motion to create definition and to strength...