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Watch this video and more on Pilates by Lisa

Lets Get Glowing Challenge

Spring Into Summer Side Slimmer Workout


Up Next in Week One

  • Glow Legs With Band

    In this workout, we will be performing my favourite side-lying moves with the booty band! These exercises strengthen the glute medius muscle, promoting pelvic stability, hip joint health and lower back strength. You can also perform all of these exercises without the band, they are still very eff...

  • Everyday Essentials: Arm Weights

    This is my favourite go-to upper body workout when I am short on time and I REALLY want to feel the burn with the 1 kg hand weights! All you need are your weights and your mat.

  • Glow Arms With Weights

    For this workout, we will be incorporating hand weights to really enhance the resistance, turn up the burn and see results! You can choose to sit however you like, or you can even stand! I am using 0.5 kg weights, but you can use up to 1 kg for an extra challenge!