PBL LIVE 31 EXPRESS: Beauty In Simplicity
Equipment Free Workouts
Today we are finding beauty and effectiveness in simplicity. Beautiful, effective and simple movements that really get the job done. This workout gets deep into the Powerhouse, tones and sculpts the lower body and also creates a strong, defined upper body.
Up Next in Equipment Free Workouts
PBL LIVE 29: Matwork
In today's workout we will be working the complete body and moving through our entire range of motion with fluid, effective transitions and exercises to ensure the entire body stays toned, strong and defined!
PBL LIVE 27: Express Matwork
Today I’ll be taking you through a 30 minute power-packed, controlled, effective and flowing full body workout! We will be working deep into the Powerhouse, sculpting and strengthening the outer thighs and glutes and also dramatically improving your posture with fantastic upper body work!
PBL LIVE 26: Matwork
This is a fun and effective full body workout requiring no equipment at all! We will be sculpting and toning the powerhouse to begin, then moving into a challenging, firming, burning lower body routine and then a unique segment at the end incorporating weightless upper body work that sets those m...