PBL LIVE 15: Matwork
Equipment Free PBL LIVE
1h 3m
In this dynamic workout we will be completing one of my all time favourite full body routines, we are working every inch of that body! We will be sculpting the Powerhouse, working on the back extensors to improve your posture, strengthening and toning the lower body and dramatically increasing flexibility!
Up Next in Equipment Free PBL LIVE
PBL Live 12: Matwork
Today we are taking more of a classical approach to the workout, performing traditional moves and sequences that will completely redefine, sculpt and reshape your entire body. All you need is your mat, let's get started!
PBL LIVE 10: Matwork
Welcome back to PBL Live! Today we will be working deeply into the every muscle that comprises the Powerhouse, sculpting and toning the entire lower body and also performing unique, fun and challenging upper body strengthening moves!
PBL LIVE 6: Matwork
In today's PBL Live, we will not only be sculpting, toning and defining every inch of your body, but we will also be lengthening and realigning the spine, elongating the muscles and ensuring your body is balanced to create your ultimate Pilates physique!