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Online Retreat

Online Retreat

5 Seasons

Rejuvenate, revitalise and reset with the PBL Online Wellness Retreat. It's included in your membership!
Here you will find your all new daily yoga, meditation and breath work sessions for every single day of the retreat!
You can access the retreat on any device, including the Pilates By Lisa Mobile App. Not a member? You can now also rent or purchase the retreat to keep, simply click on the "Buy Or Rent" tab in the navigation menu.

As a bonus, everyone will receive two free ebooks to enhance the retreat and give you the ultimate experience. Your eBooks are available to download on under "Monday" on the dropdown menu.

Simply click on the drop down menu and select the day to find you daily meditation, yoga and breath work videos. The cumulative time of your daily videos is no longer than 30 minutes, so that you can easily fit these sessions into your day.

Find your haven in the every day.

Online Retreat
  • Breathing Meditation Exercise

    Episode 1

    Box breathing, also known as 4x4 breathing, involves inhaling to a count of four, holding your breath for a count of four, exhaling for four counts, and keeping the lungs empty for a count of four before repeating the same pattern.

    4x4 breath will awaken mind/body awareness, create calm and rele...

  • Daily Stretch Yoga

    Episode 2

    This is the perfect routine to increase flexibility, reduce stress and increase longevity of both the body and the mind. This is a beautiful, stretchy practice, we will move through gentle seated stretches, invigorating twists, and relaxing asanas to help you feel open, calm, and spacious.

  • Clarity Meditation

    Episode 3

    Simplify your life for a calmer, peaceful experience. So much of our uncertainty and feelings of overwhelm arises from choice. We are so lucky to have choices, however, when we strip back these options and reduce the complexity in our lives, we experience more clarity.